Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Corrupt Politicians

Blago get 14 years in prison and is already scheming to get out early by "admitting" he has a substance abuse problem and can only sleep after drinking alcohol
As is often done, Blago did many "good deeds" when it became apparent that he was going to be indicted for official corruption.  This did not save him, however, and he will be off to prison soon.
Illinois is one of the most corrupt states, if not the most corrupt states in America.
The number of alderman sent to jail for corruption makes one dizzy, often with father convicted and son following in daddy's footsteps and being convicted too. Depicted on a YouTube Video tittled "Selling out the Community Pt1-2-3, Cong Danny Davis, (former)State Sen Rickey Hendon, Education Chief Michael Scott and Arnie Duncan are having lunch and cursing out mark Clark and friends as they try to ask them a few questions. Throughout the video, they are rude, refuse to speak to either of the gentleman asking questions, direct the gentlemen to "kiss my ass" and Cong Davis calls the police to remove them from the restaurant. Cong Danny Davis reportedly sponsors the "Second Chance Bill" and others designed to give people with felony convictions a second chance to obtain employment and live life without the handicap of being a convicted felon. Cong Davis is often seen yelling for the police concerning these "poor people who need a second chance" if they ask a question he does not like or attempt to ask a question as he does Mark and the others on this Youtube video. Michael Scott and Rickey Hendon also on the video are not in this order, dead from suicide and resigned from office while being investigated for couruption.
More on Cong "these poor people need a second chance-get me the police) Davis. Davis runs for office continually, the last office he ran for was Mayor. Davis dropped out so that there would be one consensus candidate and that was Carol Moselye Braun. When candidates run for office and have fundraising parties all over town, then drop out, do they keep the money they raised?
The City Council is now embroiled in a conflict over ward remapping. Why? Because 175,000 black have left Chicago and are losing their status as the majority. Black Alderman want to take the wards from the white community, while the Hispanic communities are gaining wards. Its obvious, our politicians are doing nothing but collected salaries as public school children are killed in records numbers,in fact, in the past 2-3 years, there was a running total of public school kids killed, child sex traffickers/human traffickers run wild and brutally assault law abiding citizens while our politicians do nothing and curse out their "constituents" and/or call the police to them if they dare ask what they are doing to help stop the violence and corruption. As for the police, they are arresting each other, have also been getting killed in record numbers, cannot find a Superintendent without a lot of controversy and in some areas of the city, mostly African American are useless or worse as they sometimes in error target the victims as the criminal. the unending groups of people being released from prison or having their convictions overturned is a testament to that.
Still, corruption runs rampant. The last election, I voted for Jesus Christ or God in several races.  if I meet a politician in my daily activities, which I sometimes do, I decline to volunteer to do anything for these corrupt, useless individuals and now knowing they are mostly corrupt and useless, they can kiss my ass.

No spellcheck, just posted.

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