Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicago AKA: Child Kill Capital

CPS starts and another child is senselessly killed, beaten to death.

This time an honor roll student was killed, Derrion Albert.

As usual the same cries are being heard, its the parents, where were the police, what are the schools doing to stop this, but the cruelest cry was was he a gang-banger and did he have a criminal record?

No, he did not have a criminal record and it is the parents who are to blame, the parents of the murderers and to some extent the throng of people who stood around looking.

Most of the people probably were afraid to get involved, in these days of giving the weapons to the child to avoid prosecution, its possible the parents of the murderers would have beat the person trying to intervene as most are already crying that their child is innocent and one mother tried to blame the deceased child even though their children were seen on the video tape of this senseless act of murder.

October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In many domestic violence cases, the children are also innocent victims in this almost 100% gender based outburst of violence.

Domestic Violence or violent crimes against women are the most reported crime in almost every district, every month in Chicago.

Whether you call it domestic violence, rape, or battery, it is all the same, violence against women, because of her gender. Myths are that men who abuse women are mentally ill, drug abusers or have anger management problems, these are myths.

As violence aganist women climbed to epic proportions so does the violence against children.

More people need to get involved, if its only to make friends with your neighbors, friends do not fight friends most of the time.

These organizations are fighting to stop the violence.

Action Now
A Call To Men
The Black Star Project
The Southern Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mayor Daley just goofed up

August 8, 2009 our mayor suggested all Federal employees from the President on down take furlough days. They are not responsible for the current budget crisis in Chicago, our Mayor and the alderman who make up the city council are responsbile for this catastrophe - they and the Republicans and former President Bush.

Before Bush or "w" as the movie named him, we had a hugh surplus, a illegal war in Iraq, which sucked billions from the budget, a smug "I am not worried about Bin Laden attitude" and other errors by the Bush administration has plunged this country into a state of bankruptcy.

Bush admitted his administration made mistakes, especially about the weapons of mass destruction, and took some steps to correct it. so that is who Daley should be directing his comments at if eh wants to make comments aout who plunged this country into this present state of "brokeness."

Otherwise, daley should stop directing comments about who needs to suffer with him, if he can only think to attack members of his own party, and get to work correcting the mistakes his administration has made, i.e. The Parking Meter Deal.