Saturday, February 5, 2011


OMG - signed into my blog and did not recognize it. It is all advertisements and more advertisements as I have been busy tweeting, signing petitions, any petition, send me an email and I will sign a petition, call a Senator, call a Congressman, write a letter to a Congressman or leave a message for POTUS Obama.

As I type this, it is 3 days after Snow-ton 2011 and though snow is piled in mounds everywhere, most of the streets are passable, with trails dug out by residents and streets plowed by the city's snowplows and snowgate was avoided because there was none unlike petition gate.

Several of this year's mayoral contenders could not even collect signatures on petitions to get on the ballot without it ending in calls for federal investigations. Unbelievable. These candidates were so removed from their campaigns that they did not even bother to supervise the simple task of collecting enough signatures to get their names on the ballot.

If your name is not on the ballot, you can not run. Then the posturing at the Board of Election Commissioners of whose name is first or last on the ballot. Candidates whose name is not first have been known to stand outside the office to get their name on the ballot until thevery last minute so their name will be last. If two candidates show up, they play a waiting game, to see who can stand outside the longest to try and get that last spot. My suggestion was to not vote for either of those. That solved that.

There is little doubt that that this is how they would run the city as well, a city on the verge of bankruptcy, residents fleeing at the rate of 22,000 per year, and crime rates, faked as lower than previous years to protect more incompetents.

This post is not a rant, it is a guess at how to choose which candidate to entrust the next four years of my safety, life, health, livelihood and economic security to.

Other than the incompetents listed above, there are several seemingly qualified candidates. The problem is which one to choose so as not to end up with the "space cadet" Alderperson we had for the last four years. Yikes.

Choosing a candidate for Mayor was easy, the next choice, Alderperson, is going to be very difficult and that is why I have not voted early yet. Somebody give me a sign.

There is one option, to send emails to the last standing candidates and wait to see who answers who has a plausible plan for the child sex traffickers and human traffickers taking over Lawndale, Garfield, Little Village and Pilsen.

When I started this blog, I tried to write about politics and made myself dizzy. With the corruption in Chicago and Illinois, you need a scorecard to keep up.

In the next few days, I may try to summarize what has happened in the last year, just to theorize what and why this corruption exists.

Right now, time to get emails and letters ready and find the schedule for the remaining forums for candidates for Alderperson in the 24th Ward.

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