Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Michael Scott Investigation

"Sixteen hours before he was dead, Michael Scott got a 13-minute call from a top aide to Mayor Daley to schedule a meeting about questionable expenses that Scott and his staff had charged to board credit cards."

"Scott had a 13-minute conversation with mayoral press secretary Jacquelyn Heard starting at 11:01 am, Sunday, Nov 15, according to police records obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times about Scott's suicide."

Was this call enough to make Michael Scott decide to take his own life?

New School board President and former mayoral chief of staff, Ron Huberman canceled all credit cards and instituted new rules that each department will have to adhere to have new ones issued.

Fewer than half of the children who signed up for federally mandated after-school tutoring will receive it this year as a budget shortfall has forced the Chicago public school district to re-prioritize spending.

The district will only be able to serve about 32,000 of an estimated 72,000 children from grades K-12 who applied for the tutoring, district officials said.

The cuts to after-school programming come at a time when youth violence is again center stage, and critics argue that kids who might have been in a classroom after school will now have to find something else to do with their time.

As the students suffer budget cuts, top school officials spend money dining at well known restaurants, buying expensive artwork for their personal collections and taking trips not related to their offical capacities.

These people are paid six figure salaries and still get caught stealing with both hands.

Is there something in the water in Chicago aka: Crookago and Crook County that makes these people steal like there is no tomorrow and now everyday citizens are suffering?

The solution is to vote, research the backgrounds and records iof candidates running for office as well as the incumbents already in office and vote.

Students and citizens should be encouraged to run for political office as well. Intelligent, erudite citizens are needed to run our county and local governments.

Then and only then, can we expect to end the seemingly endless sea of corruption we are engulfed in.

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